This data contains background variables and the responses to q3 "Missä asioissa olet hyvä? (Avokysymys)", q7 "Kertoisitko, mitä sinun mielestäsi kiusaaminen on? (Avokysymys)", and q11 "Mikä tekee sinut iloiseksi? (Avokysymys)" in the FSD3134 Lapsibarometri 2016 dataset.
## `child` A dataframe with 414 rows and 8 columns:
- fsd_id
FSD case id
- q3
'Which things are you good at?' response text
- q7
'What do you think bullying is?' response text
- q11
'What makes you happy?' response text
- paino
- gender
- major_region
Major region)
- daycare_before_school
Daycare before pre-school