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finnsurveytext 2.0.0

CRAN release: 2024-08-27

01_prepare and 01b_prepare_svydesign


  • fst_freq_table() renamed from fst_get_top_words() to reflect naming conventions.
  • fst_ngrams_table() renamed from fst_get_top_ngrams() to reflect naming conventions.
  • Within fst_freq_table(), fst_ngrams_table(), fst_freq(), fst_ngrams(), and fst_wordcloud() parameters to enable weights from svydesign object or from additional weights column in formatted data (use_svydesign_weights = FALSE, id = ““, svydesign = NULL, use_column_weights = FALSE).
  • pos_filter parameter now accepts strings (in addition to lists of strings).


  • (No major changes.)



  • As above, data split by parameter ‘field’, parameters for inclusion/exclusion of null values in ‘field’, default norm = NULL, title_size and subtitle_size parameters.
  • fst_cn_get_unique() renamed fst_cn_get_unique _separate() and new function fst_cn_get_unique() created which finds unique ngrams in a list of ngrams tables.


  • New simplified sample data.
  • “child”: Open-ended questions and background variables for Child Barometer survey.
  • “dev_coop*: Open-ended questions and background variables for Development Cooperation survey.
  • fst_child: Formatted data with b/g variables and weights.
  • fst_child_2: Formatted data without b/g variables and weights.
  • fst_dev_coop: Formatted data with b/g variables and weights.
  • fst_dev_coop_2: Formatted data without b/g variables and weights.
  • Removed data: child_barometer_data, conllu_cb_bullying, conllu_cb_bullying_iso, conllu_dev_q11_1_f_nltk, conllu_dev_q11_1_f, conllu_dev_q11_1_m_nltk, conllu_dev_q11_1_m, conllu_dev_q11_1_na_nltk, conllu_dev_q11_1_na, conllu_dev_q11_1_nltk, conllu_dev_q11_1, conllu_dev_q11_2_nltk, conllu_dev_q11_2, conllu_dev_q11_3_nltk, conllu_dev_q11_3, dev_data_f, dev_data_m, dev_data_na, dev_data.

finnsurveytext 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-16

finnsurveytext 0.1.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.