Creates a Concept Network plot from a list of edges and nodes (and their respective weights).
- edges
Output of `fst_cn_edges()`, dataframe of 'edges' connecting two words.
- nodes
Output of `fst_cn_nodes()`, dataframe of relevant lemmas and their associated pagerank.
- concepts
List of terms which have been searched for, separated by commas.
- title
Optional title for plot, default is `NULL` and a generic title ("TextRank extracted keyword occurrences") will be used.
con <- "kiusata, lyöminen"
cb <- fst_child
edges <- fst_cn_edges(cb, con, pos_filter = c("NOUN", "VERB", "ADJ", "ADV"))
nodes <- fst_cn_nodes(cb, edges, c("NOUN", "VERB", "ADJ", "ADV"))
fst_cn_plot(edges = edges, nodes = nodes, concepts = con)